Friday 17 January 2014

The Breast Augmentation Surgery Procedure - Dr. Wallace

Prior to the breast augmentation procedure, our cosmetic surgeon provides detailed preoperative instructions. Patients who smoke will be instructed to stop smoking well in advance of the breast augmentation surgery. Medications - such as aspirin - that are associated with bleeding should also be avoided. Our Plano breast implants patients may also be asked to have a pre-surgical mammogram. Breast enlargement is usually performed as an outpatient surgery. Our breast implants Plano patients are under general anesthesia for the entire breast augmentation procedure. In the most common technique for breast enlargement, our Plano area surgeons insert empty breast implants behind each breast and then fill them with saline solution. We use this technique because it requires only very small incisions. This may result in reduced and less visible scarring for our patients. Incisions are made as discreetly as possible, usually underneath the breast near the crease, in the armpit, or in the areola area. Spaces are created for the breast implants either above or below the pectoral muscle. The empty breast implants are inserted into these spaces and filled with saline solution.What to Expect After the Breast Augmentation Surgery Procedure
 Most of our breast augmentation Dallas patients are up and about within a day or two and can shower within two to seven days. Stitches are usually self-absorbable and do not need to be removed. Bruising and swelling are common but fade away rather quickly. Residual swelling usually disappears in a few months. Although arm movements are restricted, most breast augmentation patients return to non-vigorous work and activities within a few days. Our cosmetic surgeon will decide when vigorous activities can resume.

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