Tuesday 11 March 2014

SmartLipo- the Most Advanced Laser for Melting Fat and Tightening Skin

Do you have love handles, a muffin top, bat wings, saddlebags or jowls?  If you do, you know how difficult these areas can be to treat with diet and exercise.  Healthy, in shape people can still have “problem” areas or parts of their body that refuse to respond to a healthy diet and physical activity. While it may seem impossible or like something you just have to live with forever, removing those unwanted fat deposits is entirely possible and affordable with financing options.
SmartLipo for men dramatically improves the appearance of these areas with minimal downtime and less pain than traditional liposuction.  SmartLipo is a one-time treatment that permanently destroys fat cells and tightens your skin tissue.  You don’t have to worry about your skin dimpling and sagging afterward.
So how does SmartLipo work?
This procedure involves a small cannula (tube) about the size of a spaghetti noodle.  This cannula is inserted under the skin.  The laser delivers energy directly to the fat cells through this cannula, which causes the fat cells to rupture.  The fat becomes liquefied and is suctioned out.  In this process, new collagen is produced which causes the tissue to tighten.  You will continue to see the skin tighten over several months after the procedure.
Traditional Liposuction vs. SmartLipo
Both of these treatments remove excess or unwanted fat.  However, liposuction can leave you with loose, saggy skin, whereas SmartLipo is able to tighten the skin where the fat is removed.  Liposuction requires general anesthesia and SmartLipo requires local anesthesia.  The recovery time is easier and faster with SmartLipo, because it is less invasive.  Some light bruising may occur, but patients are able to return to normal activities one or two days after the procedure.
Is SmartLipo right for you?

The best candidates for SmartLipo are men and women who are not significantly overweight, but rather 30 lbs. or so within their ideal/goal weight.  SmartLipo is designed to treat accumulated fat deposits like love handles, flabby upper arms, excess neck or facial fat, the abdomen area, and inner and outer thighs.               

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