Monday 23 December 2013

Theft, Burglary, and Cyber-Crime Hit Holiday Shoppers

During the holiday season, retailers turn huge profits, with "Black Friday" named for the day that trips stores and businesses into the black. Large cash deposits, trunkloads of merchandise, and wallets full of cash and credit cards are often too much for would-be thieves to resist. And shoppers at physical, brick-and-mortar stores are not the only targets. While online shopping does not carry the risk of physical harm from an armed robber, it does carry the risk of credit card theft and identity theft from phishing schemes and unscrupulous online retailers.

Oklahoma City was hit early by holiday criminals. Two armed robbers approached a couple and their toddler son in the early morning hours of Black Friday, stealing their car, wallets, purse and nearly $1400 worth of merchandise that was loaded in the back of their vehicle.

Whether shopping in person or online, there are steps consumers can take to protect themselves.
For brick-and-mortar shoppers, Oklahoma City police and other law enforcement agencies offer the following safe shopping tips:
  • Park in a well-lit and heavily populated area of the parking lot.
  • Be alert at all times. Pay attention to your surroundings.
  • Get your keys ready before heading to your car, and keep them in your hands. If you are distracted or fumbling for keys, you are not aware of your surroundings and may make yourself an easy target.
  • Do not disregard your instincts. If a situation seems suspicious or makes you uncomfortable, take precautions to protect yourself and report the incident to security.
  • Do not go shopping alone. You are less likely to become a target if you are accompanied by others.
  • If possible, avoid shopping after dark. While a robbery can occur at any time--even in broad daylight--many assailants would prefer the anonymity and cover of darkness.
  • Keep wallets and purses securely close to your body to avoid pickpocketing or purse snatching. Do not set your purse or valuables down or place them where you cannot see them.
  • Do not leave purchases and valuables in your car where they are visible. Keep them locked in the trunk or otherwise obscured from sight.
The American Bar Association offers tips for safe shopping online at These online shopping tips include:
  • Trust your instincts.
  • Be knowledgeable about web-based auctions.
  • Double check pricing. Be suspicious of prices that are too good to be true.
  • Find and read the privacy policy.
  • Review the return, refund, and shipping and handling policies as well as the other legal terms.
  • Make sure the Internet connection is secure.
  • Pay for your order using a credit card.
  • Print the terms.
  • Insure the safe delivery of your item.
  • Inspect your purchase. 
The holidays can be a difficult time for many, particularly in a depressed economy. Theft, robbery, and fraud are serious offenses that carry significant penalties upon conviction. If you have made a critical mistake in an attempt to resolve financial difficulties, call a defense attorney at once to mitigate the damages and to provide wise legal counsel. Click here to schedule a free, confidential consultation with an experienced Dui lawyer Oklahoma City.

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