Tuesday 31 December 2013

Archive for the ‘spa chemicals’ Category - The Secret to Hot Tub Water Chemistry

The secret to spa and hot tub chemistry? It’s not sold in a bottle, or a fancy egg shaped container. It’s not a magical potion that you drop into the spa, or pour in once a month.
My friends, listen closely – the secret to clean and clear hot tub water is a multi-faceted approach. It’s may not be easy, and it’s not especially rapid, but it’s truly a miracle.
Come closer, I want to whisper the secret to hot water perfection. The secret is …


 Of course, you also need good filtration, with a relatively new spa filter cartridge. Replace every 12-24 mos. And, you also need to run the filter pump every day. I run my spa circulation pump 24 hrs per day.

Testing Spa Water?

Most people just use spa test strips, and they are a lot simpler to use than the dropper type of spa test kits. If you want greater accuracy, you can use the Tru Test digital test strip reader, which is great for those with poor eyesight or some level of color blindness. Use a spa test strip that will test not only for pH and bromine, but also for calcium hardness and total alkalinity. I recommend the 6-in-1 test strips by AquaChek.

Balanced Spa Water?

“Balanced” spa water essentially means that your pH, Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness are within the proper range. Adjusting the levels should go hand in hand with testing. Use a pH decreaser if your pH or alkalinity is too high. If your calcium hardness is too high, as it is in many parts of the country, use Calcium Control.
Sanitation is also a very important part of water balance. Keep a consistent sanitizer (bromine or chlorine) level in your spa. Augmenting it with minerals or ozone will make the water more forgiving of slip ups or occasional low sanitizer levels. Use spa shock after every use to kill bacteria.

1stoppoolstore's Swimming Pool Supplies, the world leader in residential and commercial pool accessory supplies in Plano, TX. There is best selection of pool cleaners, spa chemicals in Plano for your above-ground pool, in-ground pool or spa

Metal Roofing in Dallas is an Creative Arts by DesignerRoofing

Dallas temperatures fluctuate drastically during our extreme seasons. We experience hail, tornadoes, and severe wind storms. These factors contribute to a large amount of roof damage that Texas resident’s experience. Having a metal roof can be a real benefit to Dallas home and business owners. From the very basic roof to the high end custom roof, metal roofs carry a lifetime guarantee.
Designer Roofing understands customer service like no other roof contractors. Their roofers believe in getting a job completed right the first time. You invest in a metal roof for security of the strength and durability, it is only natural to seek out trusted professionals to ensure that strength and durability stands the test of time when defending against harsh Dallas weather.
Dallas was originally founded by John Neely Bryan, a lawyer from Tennessee who was looking for a change of pace. An entrepreneur at heart, Bryan was impressed by the resources the Dallas area had to offer, so he claimed over 600 acres and begin bringing his vision of a town to life. Slowly but surely Dallas grew, and railroads made their way to the area, as well as Federal Reserve Bank, SMU, and Love Field Airport. Several years later, Dallas’ first Neiman Marcus came to town, as well as the Highland Park shopping area. In the mid-20th century, oil was found just east of Dallas, which allowed Dallas to play a key role in the financial and technical side of the oil industry in Texas. The opening of DFW Airport brought economic strength to the Dallas area, and in the late 1980’s, Fortune magazine named Dallas/Fort Worth "the #1 business center in the land”.
Today, Dallas has become one of the nation’s leading corporate convention destinations due to its world class accommodations and array of entertainment options. With rich cultural integrity and diverse art district, Dallas is a driving force of this generation Important to this effort was the rejuvenation of downtown Dallas as a major center for entertainment and other pursuits. The Dallas Arts District, the West End Historic District along with continued renovation and upgrading of downtown hotels, has been a driving force in this renaissance.
The 21st Century
As the 21st century advances, Dallas continues to build on its strengths: friendly people, entrepreneurial spirit, flair for style and innovation, mild climate, excellent accessibility, and outstanding quality of life. Visitors and residents alike enjoy exceptional opportunities.

Call our N. Dallas Office: 972-644-6556 or visit our site for Designer Roofing in Dallas.

Thursday 26 December 2013

Working With Experts in Your DUI Case

I had a call today from a client we are defending that is charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI). This case is a little different than the usual DUI because the intoxicating substances charged include several commonly prescribed medications and an over-the-counter antihistamine (containing diphenhydramine). The State has laboratory reports showing these medications were present in the client's blood, but present in what amount? In an amount that would produce intoxication?
I bet that they don't have an expert to establish the amount of any of the medications found in our client's bloodstream would cause intoxication, but we can't simply wait to find out. We have already filed requests for discovery that should require the prosecutors to tell us the information we need, but our next step seems certain: Enter the expert.
In this case we will need a toxicologist or pharmacologist to testify about the levels of such drugs likely in my client's blood stream at the time of his accident (did I mention he was involved in an accident). Without an expert to testify for the State or for the Defendant - there is no way for a jury to decide the question of whether the levels detected would have caused intoxication and affected driving.
Here are three reasons to hire an expert in your DUI case:
First - your lawyer cannot testify, and it is testimony that you need to win. Proof. While there is no requirement that a defendant ever prove anything at trial, don't kid yourself. If you are on trial you need a defense. You need the best defense you can afford, so hire a great lawyer and be ready to hire a great expert to make your case.
Second - an expert offers opinion evidence that most jurors take to be fact. Based on his or her special training, education and experience an expert can explain to jurors why the state is wrong and why you are not guilty. The judge will tell them that the testimony is an opinion, and it is, but that opinion is often the difference between winning and losing.
Third - just hiring and disclosing an expert witness to the State may be enough for them to offer you a way out, short of the DUI. Think of it this way - prosecutors have lots of cases and they don't have the time nor resources to try even a tenth of those cases. At some point they just see a case, not a defendant. If the case goes away, their is another one to move up the ladder and "be resolved."
And that's your advantage in hiring an attorney who will fight for you. We represent you. We will take the steps necessary to build a defense, and if that means we hire an expert witness than that is what we do.
If you are charged with a DUI, Inattentive Driving, Driving without privileges or some other criminal charge, if u need DWI Lawyer in Plano, Collin County area or need Criminal Defense Allen area  call us at (214) 726-0088 and let our years of experience work for you!

What Happens When Police Break the Law?

The headlines lately have brought attention to an age old problem of what to do when police officers behave poorly, or break the law when they are investigating a case.  In Allen, many drug related criminal prosecutions were dismissed because the police misconduct in investigating the crimes resulted in the prosecutors stating "we no longer believe we have sufficient credible evidence with which to obtain a conviction."

When an investigating police officer knowingly or inadvertently violates the law, it compromises the investigation and the case.  When evidence is gathered illegally, even if it proves that a person is guilty of committing a crime, it cannot be used in court.  This is called the exclusionary rule, and its intent is to motivate police officers to play by the rules, or have their efforts be wasted.

If you are charged with a crime, and believe that the police officers may have broken the rules relating to properly gather evidence, give me a call.  For example, if police search your house or car without a warrant or permission, any evidence gathered is illegal.  Likewise, if you have been arrested and are interviewed without having your Miranda rights read to you, any statement you made was gathered illegally.

When I review a client's case, the first thing I look for is whether the evidence was gathered legally.  If I believe the officers didn't follow the law, I file a Motion to suppress the illegal evidence.  I have been successful in State and Federal Courts in litigating Suppression Motions, getting evidence thrown out, and having my client's cases dismissed.  Everyone should play by the rules, especially police officers, and when they don't, there are consequences.

Please consult an experienced DWI or DUI attorney to see what other defenses can be used to eliminate of minimize your charge. To learn more about Field Sobriety Tests and DWI defense contact Mr. Kyle Shaw, an experienced McKinney DWI Lawyer and Criminal Defense Allen at (214)726-0088.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Things that Wake Up Pediatricians and Obstetricians in the Night

If you ask any pediatrician the most common reason for a middle-of-the-night call, I am sure it would be fever.  For obstetricians, the answer must surely be a mother in labor.  With fever, we do our best to identify the source of the fever, help with the child's comfort, and reassure parents that fever is not harmful.  In fact, fever is the body's natural, appropriate response to an illness.  This week, the American Academy of Pediatrics released helpful guidelines to educate physicians and families about "Fever Phobia," and the Wall Street Journal presents a nice summary here.

In modern times, obstetricians have managed some of their middle-of-the-night issues by recommending induction of labor during daylight hours.  The "discomforts of pregnancy" are admittedly substantial; so many moms are relieved to consider this option.  Induction of labor prior to 39 weeks gestation has proven to have some drawbacks, however, so there is a current push to limit these pre-term inductions.  The Journal summarizes this issue here.  An induction before 39 weeks increases the rate of complications for the baby, and also increases the rate of a "failed induction," leading to more C-Sections.  Ultimately, the Good Lord and Mother Nature know best, and they figured out this "40-week pregnancy" thing for a reason. Waiting until the baby is good and ready ends up being better for both mom and baby.

Our Pediatricians have been recognized as the best pediatrician in Dallas and Plano, and continue to provide area children with the best pediatric care available.

Monday 23 December 2013

Theft, Burglary, and Cyber-Crime Hit Holiday Shoppers

During the holiday season, retailers turn huge profits, with "Black Friday" named for the day that trips stores and businesses into the black. Large cash deposits, trunkloads of merchandise, and wallets full of cash and credit cards are often too much for would-be thieves to resist. And shoppers at physical, brick-and-mortar stores are not the only targets. While online shopping does not carry the risk of physical harm from an armed robber, it does carry the risk of credit card theft and identity theft from phishing schemes and unscrupulous online retailers.

Oklahoma City was hit early by holiday criminals. Two armed robbers approached a couple and their toddler son in the early morning hours of Black Friday, stealing their car, wallets, purse and nearly $1400 worth of merchandise that was loaded in the back of their vehicle.

Whether shopping in person or online, there are steps consumers can take to protect themselves.
For brick-and-mortar shoppers, Oklahoma City police and other law enforcement agencies offer the following safe shopping tips:
  • Park in a well-lit and heavily populated area of the parking lot.
  • Be alert at all times. Pay attention to your surroundings.
  • Get your keys ready before heading to your car, and keep them in your hands. If you are distracted or fumbling for keys, you are not aware of your surroundings and may make yourself an easy target.
  • Do not disregard your instincts. If a situation seems suspicious or makes you uncomfortable, take precautions to protect yourself and report the incident to security.
  • Do not go shopping alone. You are less likely to become a target if you are accompanied by others.
  • If possible, avoid shopping after dark. While a robbery can occur at any time--even in broad daylight--many assailants would prefer the anonymity and cover of darkness.
  • Keep wallets and purses securely close to your body to avoid pickpocketing or purse snatching. Do not set your purse or valuables down or place them where you cannot see them.
  • Do not leave purchases and valuables in your car where they are visible. Keep them locked in the trunk or otherwise obscured from sight.
The American Bar Association offers tips for safe shopping online at SafeShopping.org. These online shopping tips include:
  • Trust your instincts.
  • Be knowledgeable about web-based auctions.
  • Double check pricing. Be suspicious of prices that are too good to be true.
  • Find and read the privacy policy.
  • Review the return, refund, and shipping and handling policies as well as the other legal terms.
  • Make sure the Internet connection is secure.
  • Pay for your order using a credit card.
  • Print the terms.
  • Insure the safe delivery of your item.
  • Inspect your purchase. 
The holidays can be a difficult time for many, particularly in a depressed economy. Theft, robbery, and fraud are serious offenses that carry significant penalties upon conviction. If you have made a critical mistake in an attempt to resolve financial difficulties, call a defense attorney at once to mitigate the damages and to provide wise legal counsel. Click here to schedule a free, confidential consultation with an experienced Dui lawyer Oklahoma City.

Venus Freeze Skin Tightening

Venus Freeze® Skin Tightening in Frisco. What is Venus Freeze? venus-body. Venus Freeze is a device used to treat wrinkles, rhytides, tighten skin and reduce cellulite.

Here Some Question & Answer for  Skin Tightening-

Q:What is Venus Freeze?
Venus Freeze is a device used to treat wrinkles, rhytides, tighten skin, reduce cellulite and circumferential fat. Using (MP)² technology, this device delivers multi-polar radio frequency and magnetic pulsed fields to the skin to produce a dense and uniform heat matrix. This causes collagen synthesis and contraction, fibroblast proliferation, neo-vascularity and lipolysis.

Q: What areas of the body can be treated?
 The face, neck and entire body can be treated with the Venus Freeze

Q: What kind of results can you get from a Venus Freeze treatment? 
Tighter skin, softening of wrinkles, plumper, fuller and more youthful appearance, reduced cellulite and a more contoured silhouette. 
Q: How successful are the treatments?
Most patients see a result in as little as three treatments however, we advise a full series of six treatments for the face and eight to ten treatments for the body.

Q: Is there any pain or discomfort involved?
 None! In fact, most patients nap or just simply relax during the treatment. The sensation is pleasant and warm. You can watch a few testimonials here.

Q: How safe are the treatments?
Are there any contraindications or side effects? Radio Frequency and magnetic pulses have been used for many years in medicine and are proven, safe technologies. There are no side effects other than looking terrific and the contraindications are standard with all treatments. Your treatment provider will review your medical history and your aesthetic goals to see if Venus Freeze is the right treatment for you. 
Q: When can I expect to see results?
Patients begin to see results typically in three treatments but we advise that they complete the series of six, eight or ten to see the full results. Patients continue to see an improvement in their skin up to three months after the series of treatments is complete.
Q: Is everyone a good candidate for Venus Freeze?
Yes, unless there is a contraindication which your technician has advised you otherwise. Realistic expectations and a desire to look better are all you need.
Q: How do I maintain the results?
We recommend that you maintain your result with a Venus Freeze treatment once a month.
Q: How does the Venus technology work?
Venus (MP)² works by incorporating Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Magnetic Pulsed Fields into one device and delivering it safely and effectively to the patient. Skin tightening, wrinkle reduction and cellulite reduction occur because the multi-polar radio frequency causes a thermal response in the tissue which activates the body`s natural healing response. That healing response causes new collagen and elastin fibers to form and increases the production of fibroblasts. The existing collagen in the skin contracts (this causes the skin to look and feel firmer) and the elastin fibers unravel (which makes the skin more elastic). Body contouring is achieved when the temperature of the skin is elevated, causing the body to release stress hormones. These hormones pass through the blood stream and attach themselves to specific receptors on the membrane of the fat cell in the hypodermis (the deepest layer of the skin). The stress hormone, once attached to the receptor, activates the hormone sensitive lipase – the hormone that is in charge of breaking down triglycerides into free fatty acids. The free fatty acids exit the fat cell through the blood stream, and the volume of the fat cell is thus reduced giving you a smoother, more contoured shape.
Q: Who are these treatments for?
Everyone who enjoys looking as young and good as they feel inside.

Q: What makes Venus Freeze different from other treatments?
No pain, no downtime and reliable results.

Q: How will I feel after a treatment?
Relaxed and the area will feel warm. Sometimes there is a slight pinkness to the skin. The warmth and pinkness will not last longer than an hour or two and most often has been described as as glow to the skin.

Q: What is it like to have a treatment?
As you lay comfortably on a treatment bed, the technician will apply a treatment gel to the skin. This lotion helps the applicator glide on the surface of your skin. The correct size applicator is selected and the treatment provider will then begin to apply smooth and consistent movements on the surface of the skin. This feels like a wonderful warm massage. We encourage our patients to close their eyes and take this time to just relax and enjoy the quiet and focused time for them.

To find out more about this revolutionary Skin Tightening in Frisco and body contouring treatment please schedule an appointment.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Get 50% OFF NeoGraft Hair Replacement!

Get 50% OFF NeoGraft Hair Replacement!
Schedule your procedure for on or before December 31, 2013 and get your NeoGraft for $3 a *graft!! (Normally $6 a graft) Perfect Christmas gift for that special someone in your life!

*Minimum of 500 grafts - some restrictions apply

Androsmart is proud to provide Neograft in the world of hair transplant technology. We have experienced staff involved in your procedure focusing on your personal details and needs. See the advantages of NeoGraft vs other surgical hair techniques below. Also be sure to look at the advantages of having your hair transplant done through our Dallas clinic. We feel that you will not be disappointed.

Please see the newest pictures of Dr. Powell as seen in Society life and Living Magazine with his hair transplant done with the NeoGraft method. Videos and pictures below will show him prior to his transplant.
As seen on the TV program Top Docs of DFW, Charles L. Powell, M.D., A.A.F.M, discusses the NeoGraft Hair Transplant - Dallas' best cure for balding.NEOGRAFT Surgical Hair Restoration is least invasive procedure of its kind for permanent hair restoration. Because there are no scalpel incisions, no sutures or no linear scars to worry about It offers the fastest recovery time "next day" of any surgical option. NeoGraft Hair Restoration can treat male pattern baldness and female baldness in almost half the time of other surgical hair replacement techniques. Patients share there positive experiences working with the Doctor and his staff.

Friday 20 December 2013

The Pros and Cons of Small Breast Implants

It can be challenging for breast enlargement patients to decide just how big they want to go. With rebuilding surgeries, women often want to be the size they were before mastectomies or lumpectomies. Ladies, who undergo the procedure as an elective cosmetic treatment may have an idea of how big they want to go, but may have difficulty conveying their desires to the surgeon. It’s a good idea to bring in pictures of women who have a similar body frame and the ideal breast size. That way, the surgeon has a visual image to work with and can make the appropriate suggestions to the patient. 
Women who desire a simple increase in bust size are often good applicants for smaller-sized breasts implant Dallas. Here, we discuss the benefits and drawbacks of small breasts enhancement.
Advantages of Small Breast Implants
The benefits of small breast implants include:
  • Small breast implants are ideal for petite women, or those who prefer a subtle change. They are generally thought to be more natural-looking, and if hidden under preexisting breast tissue, or under the muscle, they often feel quite natural too.
  • They are less conspicuous. Many women who undergo breast augmentation surgery desire natural looking results. Small breast implants that are proportionate the patient’s body can look natural. They also decrease the likelihood of friends, coworkers, family members, and overly curious acquaintances noticing a dramatic difference in your appearance.
  • Smaller implants impose less stress on the body and are less likely to tear the surrounding tissue, which in turn can cause hematoma or rupture of the implant. Small implants decrease the risk of capsular contracture, sagging, loss of nipple sensation, and other complications.
  • Patients who have smaller breast implants placed may experience a more comfortable recovery period, including less pain, bruising, and swelling.
  • If the patient would like to go larger, but is a little apprehensive, having smaller implants could be a good compromise. Although having multiple procedures is not ideal, the good thing about upsizing implants is that it gives the surrounding tissue of the chest time to stretch so that, when the patient gets to their ideal size, it is not quite as painful as if they had gone from having no implants to very large ones.
  • It’s good to keep in mind that proportionality is important to most women and that appropriately-sized clothing is sometimes easier to find if the breasts are on the smaller side.
Disadvantages of Small Breast implants
Small breast implants are associated with some disadvantages, including:
  • The primary disadvantage of smaller implants is that they are smaller. The goal of breast enlargement is usually to add volume to a woman’s breast to enhance her curves and exaggerate the female form.
  • Many women complain of being too small after the swelling goes down and seek to upsize their implants, which of course costs time, money, and energy.
Contact the practice of Dr. Wallace to learn amore about breast implant sizes and discuss your ideal size with a qualified plastic surgeon.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Skin Rejuvenation is Better with Fractional Laser

In the event you’re among thousands of women, and a few males, who’re sick and tired of drooping, wrinkly and lackluster looking face and skin-but are a bit leery about unpleasant surgical treatments as well as injections-then a fractional laser may be for you! Fractional laser through FemSmart is the hottest skin rejuvenating solution for a youthful facial skin. It is quick, effective and non invasive treatment for everyone.
Skin Rejuvenation Irving At FemSmart, a fractional laser skin resurfacing is achieved by positioning little dots of carefully controlled laser energy onto the affected areas, that causes superficial facial skin to be resurfaced by stimulating the production of new collagen. The end results are lovely glowing, smooth and blemish free skin. It easily removes years from your visual appeal without having the risks, adverse reactions or prolonged downtime of other procedures.

The technique behind Fractional laser is innovative. Unlike other aesthetic laser treatments this skin resurfacing treatment is able to specifically treat thousands of minute sections of facial skin, using pinpoint laser beams that penetrate under the skin’s surface to get rid of old, damaged skin cells. It stimulates the body’s own healing process which restores damaged skin with fresh, glowing, healthy facial skin.

Within the very first treatment with Skin Rejuvenation Irving at FemSmart acne scarring, stretch marks, large pores, lines and wrinkles, age spots, melasma or brown spots fine lines around the eyes, discoloration and uneven pigmentation are going to be magically erased

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Five Reasons to Choose a Da Vinci Hysterectomy

In summary, if you are contemplating a hysterectomy or other gynecologic surgery, we strongly encourage you to consider the Minimally Invasive daVinci Surgical System. The physicians of Texas Ob Gyn are two of the few elite surgeons in this country who are trained in the daVinci Surgical System. A daVinci Robotic Surgery in the hands of Dr. George Branning is better than the conventional approach for the following five reason:
  1. The daVinci Surgical System gives Texas Ob Gyn Surgeons significantly better vision, which translates into superb precision, which translates into superb accuracy and therefore superb safety.
  2. On average, you will experience significantly less blood loss, which translates into improved healing.
  3. On average, you will experience less post-operative pain, which translates into quicker return to your normal life.
  4. On average, recovery from a Minimally Invasive daVinci Surgery is significantly shorter. Typically the hospital stay is overnight at most.
  5. The entire daVinci Surgery takes place through 3-4 small punctures no wider than the diameter of a dime. No more ugly scars.

Dr. Branning, the leading daVinci Robotic Surgeon in the Frisco and surrounding areas, would be happy to answer any further questions you might have about The daVinci Surgical System and the advantages of Minimally Invasive Surgery. Just call 214-824-2547 for an appointment.

The Face "UpLift" Ultherapy

I see many procedures and devices that will never make our procedure list. We do not offer every fad treatment out there because many are full of marketing yet lacking in results and I believe strongly in offering quality to my patients. After spending time exploring and researching Ultherapy in Dallas, I am proud to be one of the first in our state to offer this latest cosmetic technology to my patients.
Ultherapy is one of the newest and most innovative ways that people are improving their self-image. I and the rest of the team here at A New Reflection Cosmetic Surgery have been using this method with great results, and we’re pleased with how it has revolutionized cosmetic surgery. For those who don’t know, Ultherapy is a non-surgical way to tighten the tissue in problematic facial regions: the brow, jawline, and neck areas can all be improved with this new technique. Penetrating beyond the deep skin layers with focused ultrasound waves, it stimulates your body’s production of its own collagen, giving your face a rejuvenated look that is, above all, natural.
We like to refer to Ultherapy as an “uplift” rather than a “facelift”. It’s a very short procedure (typically only taking about 30 minutes to an hour) that delivers non-invasive results for those not yet ready for a facelift, not willing to undergo surgery or anesthesia, or that are unable to accommodate even the modest down time associated with a modern face lift. Our patients see improvement the day they leave and because Ultherapy stimulates the body’s collagen a modest improvement is seen followed by the gradual onset of full results at about 3 months. This means there is literally zero downtime with no need to delay social, work or other obligations.

We are excited that Ultherapy is opening up a completely new avenue for North Texas patients to enjoy the age-defying results that cosmetic procedures can provide. It’s a positive way for any patient who is having reservations about cosmetic surgery to experience the regenerative effects of tissue transformation. Whether Ultherapy in Dallas is right for you or perhaps a family member a consultation with is the first step to ushering in the New Year feeling better and looking amazing!

Monday 16 December 2013

Stopped for Suspicion of DWI

If You Are Stopped By Law Enforcement for Suspicion of DWI, Do You Know Your Legal Rights?

RE: Collin and Denton County Plano and Frisco DUI or DWI traffic stop advice.
Did you know that you will likely be video and audio taped during the investigation and the entire ride to jail? What you say, how you act, and what you do may ultimately be shown to a judge and/or jury, so be on your best behavior! Always be polite, don’t use profanity, don’t beg, don’t cry, don’t act hysterical, and don’t talk or fall asleep in the police car! If you get arrested call us immediately.

·         Invoke your right to remain silent!

Do you know you have the right to remain silent about any question the police ask you? Law enforcement officers ask a lot of questions at the scene because they want as much evidence as possible to justify arresting and convicting you. They are only looking for evidence of your guilt and anything you say or do that is short of perfection will be deemed by the officer to be a sign of intoxication! They are not “making sure you are okay to drive” despite what they may say!

·         Don't perform the eye test!

Do not agree to take the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN). There are approximately 38 causes of HGN other than alcohol or drug consumption. There are also 47 different types of nystagmus.

·         Don't perform any coordination exercises!

You will likely be asked to perform the Walk and Turn test and One Leg Stand tests. It is very unlikely that you will be released even if you try these exercises. Most citizens cannot “pass” the SFSTs regardless of how much alcohol they have consumed. These tests are judged subjectively by the officer and he or she decides whether you passed or not. YOU HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY AND ALL FIELD SOBRIETY TESTS!

·         You do not have to take the breath test!

There are two types of breath testing devices used by law enforcement agencies in Texas. The Intoxilyzer 5000 is what we think of when we talk about the breath testing machine. According to the State of Texas Breath Testing Program regulations, the cops can't even ask you to take the breath test unless you are already under arrest for DWI or DUI. You are already arrested by this point so don’t make the mistake of thinking they will “un-arrest” you if you should "pass" the breath test by blowing under 0.08. Even if your breath test score is below 0.08, you can still be arrested for DWI, if the officer thinks you have lost the normal use of your mental or physical faculties. The other device is the Preliminary Breath Test (PBT). The PBT is about the size of a pack of cigarettes and the courts do not allow officers to testify about the results of the PBT as it has not been proven to be reliable, scientific evidence. The officer can only testify that the PBT was administered and that there was a presence of alcohol on your breath. If you are under 21 years of age the presence of alcohol alone can get you arrested for DUI. Do not agree to submit a breath test in either of these devices. The officer will inform you that a breath test failure or refusal to submit a breath test may or will result in a license suspension. You have a right to have a hearing before your license is suspended if you timely request the hearing. So, if you have already been arrested, contact us immediately before it is too late to request the hearing!

·         You do not have to agree to a blood test!

You should NEVER voluntarily submit to a Blood Test. How do you know the blood vial was correctly prepared? Labeled properly? Transported and stored appropriately? If the officer wants a sample of your blood, make him get a warrant! If the officer gets a warrant, you have no choice but to submit a sample at that point, but we can fight this later in front of a Judge.
Please consult an experienced DWI or DUI attorney Plano,  Allen  area to see what other defenses can be used to eliminate of minimize your charge. McKinney DWI Lawyer Kyle Shaw is focused on Criminal Law and DWI - DUI Defense law in McKinney, Plano, Allen, Dallas and the DFW Area. Offices located in Allen, TX. Visit - http://www.txdwiattorney.com/dwi

The Law offices of Kyle K. Shaw PPLC
1333 W. McDermott Drive
Suite 200, Allen, TX 75013

Call: (214) 726-0088 

Criminal Defense Lawyer by The Law offices of Kyle K. Shaw PPLC

The most important thing to look for when choosing a criminal attorney is experience. If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges, you don’t want to risk their freedom with an inexperienced attorney. With over 12 years of experience in criminal law, Kyle K. Shaw has the legal expertise that you need on your side. In addition to general criminal defense lawyer experience, it’s also important to seek out a criminal lawyer who has a relationship with the existing courts. Knowing the ins and outs of specific courts is the best way to expedite the legal process. Since Kyle K. Shaw focuses his practice on a few specific areas, his law offices have developed close working relationships that lead to a better experience for his clients.
With a free consultation, you’ll see how Kyle K. Shaw has developed a law practice that you can rely on. With strong representation, even the most serious of criminal charges can be handled. Get the representation you deserve and call today for your consultation. The Law Offices of Kyle K. Shaw helps defendants in McKinney, Texas and the Dallas-Fort Worth area, including Collin County. The practice is devoted to DWI and criminal defense and has experience representing clients in a wide range of charges.
If you have been charged with a crime in Collin County, Dallas County or by any of the Dallas area municipalities then you need a strong criminal attorney to represent you. Our law practice is devoted to criminal defense, we have experience representing clients on a wide range of criminal charges, including the following:

·         Assault / Family Violence

Being charged with domestic battery is a serious offense, and these days the State will prosecute no matter what the defendant’s wishes. Get help with family assault, domestic violence and violation of a protective order charges from an expert law firm.

·         Drinking and Driving (DUI / DWI)

If you’re pulled over for drunk driving, you may think you have no defense. On the contrary, there are multiple DWI and DUI defense strategies that can be used that can reduce your charges or eliminate the need for a suspended license.Need help with a DWI or criminal law case? While you’re no doubt worried about the future, or the future of your loved one, you need to think carefully when you choose a Texas criminal defense attorney. Your future should be placed in the hands of a professional who is able to handle your case with the care and attention it deserves. Attorney Kyle K. Shaw can help.

·         Criminal Sexual Conduct

Criminal sexual conduct charges are extremely serious, with convictions carrying penalties up to life in prison. Don’t think of facing these accusations alone.
Other areas of criminal defense practice include:
  • Appeals
  • Bail Reduction Motions
  • Burglary / Robbery
  • Driving While License Suspended
  • Drug Offenses
  • Expungements
  • State and Federal Cases
  • Misdemeanor Felonies
  • Orders of Nondisclosure
  • Parole / Probation Violations
  • Post-Conviction Motions
  • Theft
  • Traffic Offenses

Please consult an experienced DWI or DUI attorney to see what other defenses can be used to eliminate of minimize your charge. To learn more about Field Sobriety Tests and DWI defense contact Mr. Kyle Shaw, an experienced Plano McKinney and Allen DWI attorney at (214)726-0088.

Privacy in divorce proceedings

In any divorce proceeding there is a final document that summarizes the divorce proceedings, which is signed by the judge (a Final Decree of Divorce or Final Order). A final decree/order of divorce is NOT a private document between you and your former spouse; rather it is a public record, and in some counties that document can be accessed on in the internet. A divorce decree may list the assets and liabilities of both spouses.
The information contained in that decree is a public record that can be found and copied by anyone–neighbors, business partners, collection agencies, etc. You can limit the public disclosure through an Agreement Incident to Divorce, which is a contract entered into by the parties (you and your ex-spouse). The AID can include a division of all assets and liabilities without making them part of the final order/decree (and this is a perfect place to include, privately, the common obligations that generally are part of a divorce, e.g., one spouse agrees to pay off a debt incurred during the marriage). If one spouse breaks the agreement with the other, they can be liable for breach of contract damages (including the recovery of attorney fees for the prevailing party).
Please note that an AID is enforceable like any other contract, and if it requires litigation to enforce, it may take some time to enforce the agreement. Because a divorce may also, and often, deal with the rights of parents to the support, possession, and access to their children, and those matters (since they can be enforceable by contempt) will likely be part of the decree; the decree/final order can incorporate the AID you reach with your spouse, protecting both of your privacy rights. Use of an AID would be appropriate for a high asset divorce or any situation where the obligations, liabilities, and assets of the martial estate would be better kept private.
Thering Mccarley PLLC is DivorceAttorney Frisco, Texas family law and divorce law firm of Frisco & Texas, PLLC. If you are visiting our site, chances are you are going through a difficult and emotional time in your life.

Friday 13 December 2013

Experience Dallas Mobile Laser Tag like you never have before…

Codered Laser Tag uses state of the art, professional outdoor/indoor laser tag equipment that is completely eye safe and does not require any special gear to play. One of the greatest things about our Dallas Mobile Laser Tag is there is no pain or mess with our equipment, the Codered Mobile Laser Tag Equipment sends hit signals via RF and IR technology. This is the same technology that is used in your household TV remote. Codered Mobile Laser Tag Keller  is suitable for all age groups and we encourage everyone to play our outdoor and indoor laser tag.
For more information on our Dallas Mobile Laser Tag private parties and booking information please visit the main website at  http://www.coderedlasertag.com

Phone: (972) 834-0733

We enjoy playing laser tag in Dallas, Texas we also call Dallas home. Make your party memorable and exciting. Code Red Laser Tag is a Laser Tag Dallas Outdoor, Indoor, day or night we can play anywhere at any time. Visit - http://www.coderedlasertag.com/dallas-texas-2 or fun of laser event.

Allergy Testing for Children and Adults

Mass-produced over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription allergy medications can make ease your allergy symptoms, but the side effects can be uncomfortable and make it hard to function normally. We offer precision allergy testing and new customized medications that could help you put an end to your allergies forever.
We offer in office allergy testing and treatment for children 4+ as well as parents, through United Allergy testingfor kids. This allows us to stay on top of one of our patient’s largest complaint, north Dallas allergy season. We’ll test you for the primary geographically specific mold and airborne allergens in our area. We will also test for a variety of other allergen producers such as dust mites, proteins from pet hair and dander, trees, grass and weed pollens, molds and more.

Skin Allergy Testing at Forest Lane Pediatrics
Skin testing is the oldest and most reliable form of allergy testing. It is not painful, scratching just over the skin. Within about 15 minutes a positive testing will appear as a raised, red itchy bump on the skin that looks very much like a mosquito bite. This will tell us exactly what you are and are not allergic to enabling customized treatment.
Take your first step towards allergy relief by calling us today. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.
Please visit-

Plano Pediatricians Office:
At Plano Presbyterian Hospital
6300 W. Parker Rd, Medical Offices 2, Suite 126

Plano, Texas 75093 Tel: 972-526-0700