Tuesday 5 August 2014

Affordable Vitiligo Treatment in India

Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes in the skin are destroyed. It is a common skin disease in India and affects about 2% of Indian population. As a result, white patches appear on the skin in different parts of the body. Similar patches also appear on both the mucous membranes (tissues that line the inside of the mouth and nose) and the retina. The hair that grows on areas affected by vitiligo sometimes turns white.

The cause of vitiligo is not known, but physicians and researchers have several different concepts. There is spowerful proof that people with vitiligo inherit a group of three genes that make them susceptible to depigmentation. The most commonly approved perspective is that the depigmentation occurs because vitiligo is an auto-immune disease. A disease in which a person's immune system reacts against the body's own organs or cells. Individuals systems generate necessary proteins called cytokines that, in vitiligo, alter their pigment-producing cells and cause these cells to die. Another theory is that melanocytes destroy themselves. Lastly, some people have revealed that a single event such as sunburn or emotional distress triggered vitiligo; however, these events have not been scientifically proven as causes of vitiligo.

Symptoms of Vitiligo
Vitiligo is classified by the appearance of depigmented patches (milky white) on the skin, common in sun revealed areas like hands, feet, arms, face and lips. Other typical places include armpits, groin, around the mouth, eyes, nostrils, navel and genitals. Hardly ever the areas display minor erythema, but as a rule they show only depigmentation and sensivity to light, the hair may be black or white but in a particular lesion, when hairy areas are involved the hair may turn white-colored.

Symptoms of vitiligo include an often rapid pigment loss on several areas of the skin. The initial appearance of the white patches can be followed by a stable period without any progression of the condition. Later on, further cycles of pigment loss and stability may be observed. Vitiligo can also affect the eyelids and hair.

Vitiligo Medical Treatments
Several treatment methods are available with varying success rate. The most commonly used is called PUVA therapy where in patient is given oral/topical psoralens followed by exposure to ultra-violet light. The success rate is limited & difficult areas like hands, fingers, feet, ankles and lips do not pigment.

Surgical treatment

This should be considered for patients in whom :
» Vitiligo has not changed over a period of one year.
» Failed medical line of treatment.
» No New hypopigmented patches should develop in this one year period.
» All wound should heal with normal pigmentation.

Ayurhealthline clinic, Delhi is one of the best skin clinic in India, provides various white patches treatments like Vitiligo Treatment in India,

» Topical steriod therapy
» Topical psoralen photochemotherapy
» Oral psoralen photochemotherapy
» Oral steroid therapy, Depigmentation
» Autologous skin Grafts
» Punch Grafts
» Autologous Melanocyte transplantation.

Vitiligo teatment is best done by Ayurhealthline clinic at affordable rate.
For more details vitiligo treatments in India and its cost,

Vitiligo Cure in Delhi by Ayurhealthline

Vitiligo is an awkward situation in a person’s life. The colour loss over skin can lead to a vitiligo spot. Vitiligo is a condition in which melanocytes gets dormant resulting into less or no melanin production converting a normal skin area into white skin area without the pigments.Vitiligo cure can be done with the help of herbs only. Herbal treatment influences on providing detoxification and pigment production and works on the root level. Herbal treatment can be done by an Ayurvedic doctor who has better knowledge of herbs and vitiligo.
Vitiligo cure is possible but the following points have to be considered for proper vitiligo treatment in Delhi.

Choosing a correct treatment
Choice of treatment and doctor is the most important aspect if somebody wants a vitiligo cure. As well known that the herbal medicines and Ayurvedic treatment is the most successful treatment option available for vitiligo and leucoderma treatment. It has to be considered in mind that one should chose treatment which should not give any side or adverse effects. Being 100% herbal treatment, Ayurvedic is the safest and accurate option for white patch treatment. Other treatments like modern medicines and homeopathy can either complicate or aggravate a vitiligo and should not be done as taking risk is not a good idea in vitiligo.

Dietary Habits
Scientifically vitamin C (ascorbic acid), sour food, junk food etc. are responsible for vitiligo spread and stops the pigmentation so it’s better that these should be avoided in vitiligo and during its treatment. The sufferer has to take as much as freshly prepared food. Preservatives in food are also restricted in vitiligo condition.

Vitiligo treatment advises for regulated lifestyle on routine. Daily yoga will help to detoxify the mental toxicity resulting into positive thinking. Ultimately optimistic approach is required for vitiligo cure. Meditation is also advised regularly for the same cause and will help in faster cure of vitiligo and leucoderma.

Upon following these rules, a person can get free from vitiligo for sure as Ayurveda is at its best at Ayurhealthline for vitiligo and leucoderma cure and management. If you are looking vitiligo treatment in Delhi, Please visit Ayurhealthline.com & consult the doctor.