Friday 29 November 2013

One of the best party ideas ever! With Mobile Laser Tag Flower Mound
We are Code Red Laser Tag. We are based in Dallas / Ft. Worth, Tx and we bring the game to you. We started with a desire to bring reality to video games and take the sting out of paintball. This is what we’ve come up with Mobile laser tag Flower Mound, Keller, McKinney.
We are bringing laser tag out of the dark.
Now with the ability to play in broad daylight or at night, indoors or out. You won’t have to deal with fog machines or loud techno music any more… now we play the game on your terms. We have taggers that look and feel like you imagine a video game should feel.
Customizable guns: Set your gun for increased accuracy and damage or set it so that you can just sweep the field. The taggers have the look and feel similar to an MP5 and include a red dot scope.
Health: Set your health. How much damage does one hit cause? How often can you be hit? All of this is programable on site. Little Seth can be set to take a 100 hits, Aunt Bonnye can be set to take 30 hits and Uncle Steve can be set to take 3. Level the playing field.
Bunkers: can be set up to build whatever game we want in whatever setting we want. We can make an area the size of a tennis court fun for as many as 10 people.
… You get the idea. The options are endless. But we won’t make you decide on all of the details. We love games and we know how to set them up, it’s our passion. If you want to jump in and share some ideas with us though, frankly… it’s your party!
Event and party ideas are endless.
Birthday parties – Make any party one your family and friends will rave about for years to come. Lets Fun with Party ideas for boys inFlower Mound with Code Red Laser Tag.
Youth Groups - Laser tag is a great sport for all youth, both boys and girls share in the energizing fun.
College Groups – Have fun, get some exercise and without the pain of paintball. Laser tag is the best college party addition!
Team Building – Build on cooperation and communication in a positive atmosphere that fosters team building skills.
Bachelor|Bachelorette – Host the perfect party to celebrate the joyous occasion that is both exciting and memorable.
Fund Raisers – A unique fundraiser idea that you will continue to make funds from year round without spending a penny. Any event you want and any location you want.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Do I Need an Attorney?

The Need for an Attorney
If you are being charged with a misdemeanor or felony offense you may need to consult with a criminal defense attorney. Both misdemeanors and felonies have the potential for jail time and probation. Misdemeanors are generally regarded as less serious crimes, but nevertheless require an aggressive defense as they carry a potential jail sentence of up to 1 year in county jail. Felonies are the most serious category of crimes and carry a potential state jail or state prison sentence.
Representing Yourself
It is essential that you understand the seriousness of the charges, the consequences, and the possible defenses to the charges. It is unlikely that the average person could represent himself or herself effectively in court against an experienced prosecutor. The prosecutor knows the law better than the average person and is experienced in these matters. If you choose to represent yourself you are on an uneven playing field and at a disadvantage. That is why you should consult with an attorney on these matters.

Be careful! Even though you are not accused or charged with a crime, you may nevertheless be a suspect while law enforcement carries out their investigation. Yes, you should consult with an attorney before making any statement. What you say, no matter how well intentioned, can be misinterpreted and may be used as evidence against you later.

Please consult an experienced DWI or DUI attorney to see what other defenses can be used to eliminate of minimize your charge. To learn more about Field Sobriety Tests and DWI defense contact Mr. Kyle Shaw, an experienced McKinney DWI Lawyer and Criminal Defense Allen at (214)726-0088.

Friday 22 November 2013

10 DWI Mistakes
Here are 10 Common Mistakes we see with people who get arrested for DWI / DUI in Collin County, including Plano, McKinney, Frisco, and Allen
1.     Not taking the matter seriously.
This is a charge that will follow you for the rest of your life, if you are convicted. The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) will keep track of it until you are dead. It has to because DWI is an offense that can be enhanced by subsequent DWI convictions and DWI blood/breath test refusals result in license suspensions. The additional insurance charges alone could cost you thousands of dollars. If your license is taken away, you have to prepay for an SR-22 endorsement to your policy. Your insurance company must notify the DPS if you do not maintain your insurance. It will also raise your rates based on your conviction.
2.     Not hiring an attorney.
The law is complex and you need competent representation. You must raise the right defenses at the right time or you will lose them. Facts will disappear, memories fade and witnesses vanish. A winnable case can quickly become a loser if you do not hire competent counsel to represent your interests.
3.     Hiring an attorney based on the amount of the fee alone.
The State has almost unlimited resources when it comes to your case. You need to hire an attorney and pay a fee, which will allow him to put time and effort into your case to counter the prosecution. Attorneys must earn enough in the time they spend on your case in order to keep their doors open and make a living wage. If you go too low, your attorney will not be able to put in the time necessary to protect you. Look for a reasonable, predictable fee, not the lowest.
4.     Temporary License Request
Not obtaining a temporary license and requesting an ALR hearing within 15 days, if your license was taken when you failed or refused to take an alcohol test. If you do not request a hearing, you will not be able to drive for 90 to 180 days for a first offense. Driving during this time is a serious traffic offense, regardless of whether you need to drive for work or personal reasons.
5.     Driving after your license has been suspended.
You have no right to drive while under suspension and an arrest for driving while your license is suspended carries the same penalty range as a first offense DWI. If arrested for driving during this time, you may be arrested and have to post a bond just to get out of jail. If convicted, you face a minimum one year suspension of your driving privileges in addition to any suspension you are still serving, plus you would get a fine and could get up to 6 months in jail.
6.     Not subpoenaing the officer to be present at your ALR hearing.
If you do not subpoena the officer's presence, the hearing may be based on the officer's report only and you will not hear how the officer will testify. Your attorney can learn many things at this hearing, if the officer is present. If the officer fails to appear or justify what was done, you should get your license back.
7.     Taking the District Attorney's first offer.
The first offer is not a bargain, it's just to get rid of your case with the least amount of work. Very few cases are dismissed or reduced to a non-alcohol charge at this stage. You do not give the judge an opportunity to rule on constitutional challenges. You give up your right to raise these issues and make the State prove its case.
8.     Failure to appear in Court.
The Court will issue an attachment or bench warrant for your arrest and revoke any bond. The next time you are stopped for a traffic infraction, you will be spending some time in jail and posting a bond for your future appearances.
9.     Discussing the case with anyone but your attorney.
Don't talk to anyone but an attorney about your case. Anything you say to them can be used against you.
10. Shopping Around
Don't think that talking to numerous attorneys will help you handle it on your own. You need to have an attorney go to Court with you. Even if you don't hire us, you need to hire an attorney that you're comfortable with and that you feel represents your best interest.
Please consult an experienced DWI or DWIattorney McKinney to see what other defenses can be used to eliminate of minimize your charge. To learn more about Field Sobriety Tests and DWI defense contact Mr. Kyle Shaw, an experienced Plano & McKinneyDWI Lawyer at (214) 726-0088.

Thursday 21 November 2013

If You Are Stopped By Law Enforcement for Suspicion of DWI, Do You Know Your Legal Rights?

RE: Collin and Denton County Plano and Frisco DUI or DWI traffic stop advice. Did you know that you will likely be video and audio taped during the investigation and the entire ride to jail? What you say, how you act, and what you do may ultimately be shown to a judge and/or jury, so be on your best behavior! Always be polite, don’t use profanity, don’t beg, don’t cry, don’t act hysterical, and don’t talk or fall asleep in the police car! If you get arrested call us immediately. Invoke your right to remain silent! Do you know you have the right to remain silent about any question the police ask you? Law enforcement officers ask a lot of questions at the scene because they want as much evidence as possible to justify arresting and convicting you. They are only looking for evidence of your guilt and anything you say or do that is short of perfection will be deemed by the officer to be a sign of intoxication! They are not “making sure you are okay to drive” despite what they may say! Don't perform the eye test! Do not agree to take the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN). There are approximately 38 causes of HGN other than alcohol or drug consumption. There are also 47 different types of nystagmus. Don't perform any coordination exercises! You will likely be asked to perform the Walk and Turn test and One Leg Stand tests. It is very unlikely that you will be released even if you try these exercises. Most citizens cannot “pass” the SFSTs regardless of how much alcohol they have consumed. These tests are judged subjectively by the officer and he or she decides whether you passed or not. YOU HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY AND ALL FIELD SOBRIETY TESTS! You do not have to take the breath test! There are two types of breath testing devices used by law enforcement agencies in Texas. The Intoxilyzer 5000 is what we think of when we talk about the breath testing machine. According to the State of Texas Breath Testing Program regulations, the cops can't even ask you to take the breath test unless you are already under arrest for DWI or DUI. You are already arrested by this point so don’t make the mistake of thinking they will “un-arrest” you if you should "pass" the breath test by blowing under 0.08. Even if your breath test score is below 0.08, you can still be arrested for DWI, if the officer thinks you have lost the normal use of your mental or physical faculties. The other device is the Preliminary Breath Test (PBT). The PBT is about the size of a pack of cigarettes and the courts do not allow officers to testify about the results of the PBT as it has not been proven to be reliable, scientific evidence. The officer can only testify that the PBT was administered and that there was a presence of alcohol on your breath. If you are under 21 years of age the presence of alcohol alone can get you arrested for DUI. Do not agree to submit a breath test in either of these devices. The officer will inform you that a breath test failure or refusal to submit a breath test may or will result in a license suspension. You have a right to have a hearing before your license is suspended if you timely request the hearing. So, if you have already been arrested, contact us immediately before it is too late to request the hearing! You do not have to agree to a blood test! You should NEVER voluntarily submit to a Blood Test. How do you know the blood vial was correctly prepared? Labeled properly? Transported and stored appropriately? If the officer wants a sample of your blood, make him get a warrant! If the officer gets a warrant, you have no choice but to submit a sample at that point, but we can fight this later in front of a Judge. Please consult an experienced DWI or DUI attorney in McKinney to see what other defenses can be used to eliminate of minimize your charge. To learn more about Field Sobriety Tests and DWI defense contact Mr. Kyle Shaw, an experienced Plano McKinney and Allen DWI attorney at (214)726-0088. RE: Collin and Denton County Plano and Frisco DUI or DWI traffic stop advice. Did you know that you will likely be video and audio taped during the investigation and the entire ride to jail? What you say, how you act, and what you do may ultimately be shown to a judge and/or jury, so be on your best behavior! Always be polite, don’t use profanity, don’t beg, don’t cry, don’t act hysterical, and don’t talk or fall asleep in the police car! If you get arrested call us immediately. Invoke your right to remain silent! Do you know you have the right to remain silent about any question the police ask you? Law enforcement officers ask a lot of questions at the scene because they want as much evidence as possible to justify arresting and convicting you. They are only looking for evidence of your guilt and anything you say or do that is short of perfection will be deemed by the officer to be a sign of intoxication! They are not “making sure you are okay to drive” despite what they may say! Don't perform the eye test! Do not agree to take the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN). There are approximately 38 causes of HGN other than alcohol or drug consumption. There are also 47 different types of nystagmus. Don't perform any coordination exercises! You will likely be asked to perform the Walk and Turn test and One Leg Stand tests. It is very unlikely that you will be released even if you try these exercises. Most citizens cannot “pass” the SFSTs regardless of how much alcohol they have consumed. These tests are judged subjectively by the officer and he or she decides whether you passed or not. YOU HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY AND ALL FIELD SOBRIETY TESTS! You do not have to take the breath test! There are two types of breath testing devices used by law enforcement agencies in Texas. The Intoxilyzer 5000 is what we think of when we talk about the breath testing machine. According to the State of Texas Breath Testing Program regulations, the cops can't even ask you to take the breath test unless you are already under arrest for DWI or DUI. You are already arrested by this point so don’t make the mistake of thinking they will “un-arrest” you if you should "pass" the breath test by blowing under 0.08. Even if your breath test score is below 0.08, you can still be arrested for DWI, if the officer thinks you have lost the normal use of your mental or physical faculties. The other device is the Preliminary Breath Test (PBT). The PBT is about the size of a pack of cigarettes and the courts do not allow officers to testify about the results of the PBT as it has not been proven to be reliable, scientific evidence. The officer can only testify that the PBT was administered and that there was a presence of alcohol on your breath. If you are under 21 years of age the presence of alcohol alone can get you arrested for DUI. Do not agree to submit a breath test in either of these devices. The officer will inform you that a breath test failure or refusal to submit a breath test may or will result in a license suspension. You have a right to have a hearing before your license is suspended if you timely request the hearing. So, if you have already been arrested, contact us immediately before it is too late to request the hearing! You do not have to agree to a blood test! You should NEVER voluntarily submit to a Blood Test. How do you know the blood vial was correctly prepared? Labeled properly? Transported and stored appropriately? If the officer wants a sample of your blood, make him get a warrant! If the officer gets a warrant, you have no choice but to submit a sample at that point, but we can fight this later in front of a Judge. Please consult an experienced DWI or DUI attorney in McKinney to see what other defenses can be used to eliminate of minimize your charge. To learn more about Field Sobriety Tests and DWI defense contact Mr. Kyle Shaw, an experienced Plano McKinney and Allen DWI attorney at (214)726-0088.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Seeking Justice for Your Loss: Wrongful Death Attorney in Little Elm - Attorney Thering McCarley PLLC

Wrongful death lawsuits involve devastating and catastrophic circumstances that change the lives of our clients forever. Attorney McCarley PLLC will take the utmost care to handle these matters with due sensitivity, protect his clients from any further emotional damage, and fight vigorously to see justice served on behalf of those clients. If you have lost a loved one, do not hesitate to contact our team for legal support. McCarley knows most companies and insurers either ignores the parties they have harmed, or are sympathetic, but begin to systematically belittle and diminish the claim in order to avoid any of the real costs of their negligence in the matter. You can trust that McCarley’s experience in these matters will provide the kind of support and guidance that will benefit you and your family in your fight for justice and fair compensation. Fair compensation in Wrongful Death Attorney Little Elm may include considerations for the following: • Lost income – future potential earnings of the deceased from day of death on • Medical expenses • Funeral expenses • Pain & suffering the deceased may have endured • Emotional trauma • Grief counseling and support McCarley will help you achieve a legal resolution that can enable you and any affected family members to carry on with your lives in spite of the circumstances. Victims of a wrongful death and their families deserve the dignity and solace that comes from seeing that justice prevails. Wrongful Death Attorney in Little Elm McCarley PLLC and his team will do everything in their power to help make that happen. If you or a loved one have been affected by a wrongful death and are in need of wrongful death legal advice, guidance and counsel please allow us to hear your story and we will in turn advise you of what your next steps should be without any cost to you. You can reach McCarley PLLC at 866-996-7123. McCarley PLLC has helped clients from Frisco, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Sherman and Texas.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Employment Overtime

A recent Wage and Hour Division investigation in Dallas, Texas, revealed that 252 temporary employees from The Temp Team were forced to work as many as 79 hours per week, without receiving overtime payment, which is a clear violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The employees were reportedly placed at local businesses and paid “straight time” wages, rather than the FLSA overtime requirement. Under the FLSA, employees who are covered by the act must be compensated with the federal minimum wage, $7.25, for all hours worked in a week, plus overtime compensation, which includes any bonuses, incentive pay and commissions. The DOL investigation also found that the company engaged in employee misclassification by incorrectly classifying two temporary employees as exempt from the FLSA overtime provisions. Both employees failed to receive any overtime compensation or protections under the wage and hour act. The company was also charged with violating the FLSA by failing to maintain accurate time and payroll records for all employees. The Temp Team has agreed to pay $244,104 in back wages. The company also agreed to properly classify employees and to maintain proper record keeping provisions in the future. In 2010, employers reportedly paid $176 million in employee back wages, and in the past five years, employers have paid nearly $925 million in back wages and overtime compensation to around 1.2 million workers. If you or someone you know has not been receiving well deserved earnings, contact the attorneys at Thering McCarley PLLC today. Our Employment Law Frisco has the experience to guide you through your case and get you what you deserve.

Monday 18 November 2013

A Simple Divorce Really Isn’t So Simple

When a marriage sours, the last thing either party wants to do is pay legal fees to an attorney to separate from their now not-so significant other. Most of us heard from a colleague how they divorced without an attorney. While litigating “Pro Se” can save money, you never know it was done right until it is too late. Even the seemingly most straight forward divorce requires a very considerable amount of paperwork with lots of dense legalese that is obscure to the average person. Even more frightening then making a mistake is the cost it will take to fix such a mistake. On average a Pro Se petitioner will end up spending more than the person who just sought out an attorney in the first place.

In this day and age where couples are getting married older and accruing assets at the start of their marriage, property division becomes a winding road that is difficult to navigate on your own. Without the help of an attorney, you may give over more than required to your spouse. Things become even more complex when the future of children is considered.

Clients do not always understand the full extent of what a divorce entails and cannot foresee possible legal consequences that an attorney can. In such a time of tension and change, what appears to be a good idea now, can have terrible future ramifications. Divorce is an emotional event where both spouses’ judgments are easily clouded. It is best for all involved to have neutral 3rd parties work together to achieve the fairest result. At Thering McCarley, Divorce Attorney Frisco, our objective is simple… get the divorced finalized as quickly and efficiently as possible. This method has proven to reduce stress, save cost, and enable parties to amicably move on.

Written by LynAlise Tannery

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Plastic Surgery Statistics: Annual Numbers Bounce Back

With our culture’s growing obsession with beauty and anatomical perfection, it would be a safe bet to say that plastic surgery has been a booming medical institution since the late ’80s. Getting a kickstart from shows like Baywatch and coasting into the 21st century on programs like Keeping up with the Kardashians, plastic surgery has the most inherently public and perfect marketing system, especially with the added help of the problem of aging.

Plastic Surgery Amidst Economic Distress
But despite being increasingly bombarded with images of curvy bodies and timeless faces, cosmetic surgery wasn’t always as prosperous as it is typically perceived. In fact, we are almost a decade removed from the apex of plastic surgery’s history: in 2004 Americans alone underwent nearly 12 million plastic surgeries ranging from liposuction to rhinoplasty. But ike many other service areas in the mid ’00s, the plastic surgery suffered from the economic downturn, and many of its proponents were finding it difficult to acquire the funds necessary for their transformations.

A 2010 New York Times article investigating the then-decreasing plastic surgery numbers noted that many patients would use special lines of credit to subsidize their procedures. The author continued to say that some even “took out second mortgages on their homes”. The enormous financial restrictions brought on by the economic collapse prevented these people from using quick credit to afford their new bodies, so many surgery enthusiasts were forced to either save up or give up when it came to their procedures. Fortunately, developments in the field would open up other excellent opportunities for patients everywhere.

Widespread financial stress naturally impacted the numbers of major “open” surgical procedures, so patients turned to non-invasive methods of cosmetic medicine. Procedures like Botox and Juvederm could still offer some anti-aging assistance, without requiring the patient to pay for the additional costs associated with a full surgery. Not to mention, these types of injectable medications began to improve quickly, and could offer similar effects to a procedure like a facelift with no downtime and minimal cost. This resulted in an exploding market for injectable medicine; Botox has since become the undisputed leader of the cosmetic competition for most annual procedures – Americans received over 6 million Botox injections in 2012.

The Changing Face of Plastic Surgery
Nevertheless, the numbers of conventional surgery are rapidly growing once again, and in 2012 have finally reached a point comparable to the 2004 surgery peak. But even though the surgeon’s offices (and tables) are full again, the landscape of procedures doesn’t quite look the same as it did before: facial surgeries like rhinoplasty and facelifts have dropped by a few thousand procedures a year, with liposuction and blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) plummeting by over a hundred thousand. Obviously Botox is encouraging patients to forgo facial surgeries in exchange for a few regular injections, but plastic surgeons believe that other new developments in the field are responsible for these drastic statistical changes.

Non-Invasive Treatments
Many doctors are citing procedures like the great new Ultherapy treatment for this shift in procedural trends. Ultherapy Dallas can replicate the results of several face procedures with the use of ultrasonic waves rather than a scalpul and suction device. By penetrating the deepest layers of skin, Ultherapy promises to activate natural collagen production in the face, allowing the patient to enjoy months of tighter, more youthful looking skin. Totally non-invasive procedures like these are being praised for their quick results and minimal recovery time. While an artistically-executed facelift from a plastic surgeon can provide you with an age-defying appearance for years, the Ultherapy treatment offers an excellent cosmetic opportunity for patients who are merely seeking a tune-up.

Transforming Classic Procedures
Still, flagship procedures like breast augmentation have recovered, and are being buttressed by shifts in medical technology. For instance, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons repored that 62% of all breast augmentations performed in 2012 were done with silicone implants – the other 38% were performed with saline. Compare that to 2006 when only about 19% of procedures used silicone implants. This was following the FDA’s 14-year ban on silicone implants due to their potential for rupturing, forcing saline implants to bear the sole responsibilities for breast augmentation. Now, silicone implants are safer than ever, and seven years after the ban has been lifted silicone implants seem to have emerged as the preferred device in many augmentation cases. Additionally, silicone implants currently come in a new form: the Sientra High-Strength Cohesive Gel Implants (called “Gummy Bear Implants” by patients), which feel more realistic and look more natural than any implant on the market. With the new implant technology, women have even more options when it comes to improving their bodies.

A Full Recovery
With a respectable recoup of patients, plastic surgery is back on track to return to its former state, but this time with a few tech-oriented additions (like the Sientra implants and Ultherapy). It’s also becoming clear which types of procedures seem resilient to environmental factors, and have remained strong despite cultural and economic shifts. In fact, it’s possible that in the next few years plastic surgery will surpass even its greatest annual numbers, though the field of medicine, itself, will have undergone a bit of a facelift. Visit our offices today to see what A New Reflection is doing to stay ahead of the curve in plastic surgery culture.